All Courses

All Webinars

All Conferences

*For Less than 80p per day.

exclusive offer


For Life

550+ Accounting Courses
Delivered by Leading Experts
150+ Interactive Webinars
and Online Events per Year
9.5 / 10 Net Promoter Score
from Members surveyed in January 2023

CPD Club provides you with the greatest return on your CPD investment. With over 500 hours of on demand and live CPD added every year you get an unmatched range and choice of top quality, relevant CPD for accountants in practice. By providing the best value in the market CPD Club has become THE NO. 1 OPTION for thousands of Irish Accountants and firms.

How will joining benefit you?CPD CLUB

  • Unlimited Courses
  • Unlimited Webinars
  • Unlimited Conferences
  • Access to All Course Notes
  • Monthly CPD Club Members Webinar
  • Per Minute CPD


£28a month

Renews Monthly

Instant Access to All Courses and All Content

*all prices are excluding VAT



£279a year

Renews Yearly

Instant Access to All Courses and All Content

*all prices are excluding VAT

CPD Club

Interested in CPD for your entire team?

For bespoke packages, let us know your exact requirements so we can design a package for your needs.

What Current CPD Club Members Say:


"CPDStore are an invaluable resource for accountants"



"Great value and big selection of topics to choose from, makes it a no-brainer."



"I always find your courses of such a high standard"



In response to the changing CPD demands of accountants, we have reimagined CPD. We imagined a world where CPD works for you. Where CPD is perceived as an opportunity rather than a burden. Where CPD is an ongoing part of your daily life with visible beneficial outcomes. Where CPD is not just about staring at a screen for the day listening to a talking head but a real-time resource that enables you to better serve and support your clients. Where CPD is about knowledge and real personal and professional development for you and your team. The outcome of CPD Reimagined was CPD Club. CPD Club provides you with full unlimited access to our entire online learning library, including our live conferences and webinars and our entire catalogue of on-demand CPD

  • What if your CPD experience, was specific to you - specific to your experience, your knowledge, your clients, your future path?
  • What if instead of solving client problems and THEN completing CPD, you could complete your CPD WHILE researching problematic client issues?
  • What if you had a CPD resource that you could dip in and out of when suited you?
  • What if you only took time away from work to attend CPD events that were 100% relevant for you?
  • Bite sized chunks of CPD giving you the critical information and knowledge you need in our CPD Shorts.
  • Your favourite CPD and the topics you are really interested in available on audio download for when you are on the move.
  • CPD that actually develops you professionally on a continuing basis. CPD that helps you, your team, your business and your clients.

Priceless value for just £28 a month

Live 8 hours conferences & workshops
20 Days+ hours at
Live Webinars
100+ hours at
Searchable CPD databases
300 Hours+ Growing hours at
Directory of Technical Note Packs
100+ hours at
CPD On Demand Library
100 Hours+ Growing hours at
Total Value
hours at
365 days a year access
hours at
A Community of accountants just Like you
hours at
Peace of Mind
hours at
Monthly x 12(ex VAT)£28
Annual Single Pay(ex VAT)£279

We know that joining CPD Club is truly beneficial to you and your team.



"Such a wide variety of choice and you can do the courses at a time that fits into your own schedule."



"I know with CPDStore I am up to date and on track with all the changes that might affect me or my clients. I work on my own and don't have other accountants to bounce question off of, I can ask questions and get the answer which means when you have that support you can go after every Client."

Monica Barry

Income venue


"Over the last number over years, we have moved over to CPDstore, they have a good variety of areas, they hit the areas that are very topical. We have 15 staff working in lots of different areas from tax, small Business, audit using CPDstore, everyone is able to get what they need, it has become a one stop shop for CPD for us. It just makes senses to use them as your main provider."

Oriel Lawton

O'Connor Pyne & Company

What is Per Min CPD? how does it work?

Per Min CPD allows you do your CPD in smaller chunks at a time and in a way that suits you. On the move, at your desk, at home, whenever you have a question that you need the answer to Per Min CPD will track your CPD as you do it in whatever form you do it. Whether it is 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour or just 1 minute you can get the information you need to answer the questions, to support your team and to support your Customers.

What does this really mean?

If you only get to attend a part of any of our online webinars or conferences we will track the actual time you attended. If you only got to watch a few minutes of on one of our video-on-demand courses, CPDStore tracks and summarises all your CPD interactions. At the end of the calendar year CPDStore will issue you a summary CPD certificate for every hour you have completed in each of the CPD Competency Areas.


With Per Min CPD, if you join one of our live webinars and are unable to finish the webinar we will track the time you actually attended. It could be an urgent call from a client, a diary clash or it could be that you got the information that you wanted from the webinar. With Per Min CPD you can leave the webinar and the time that you logged on it is now tracked and added to your Per Min CPD record that is linked to your account.



We have over 300+ Video on Demand courses available for you to access covering a wide range of topics. With Per Min CPD, CPD Club members can watch all content that is relevant to their interests and requirements and be rewarded with CPD covering that topic. For example, if you watch 8 mins of a course on Farm tax, this 8 mins will be added to your Tax Per Min CPD total. At the end of the year all your minutes will be added up and summarised into your end of year CPD Certificate.



CPDStore runs over 10 conferences a year, with 100s of sessions covering many different topics. Like our live webinars as a CPD Club Member you can join and watch as much or as little as you want. Per Min CPD will track the amount of time you watched on a topic and be added to your Per Min CPD summary.



CPDStore is using advanced AI backed search tools. For example, if you search the term 'Going Concern', in our members area, it will search across our entire back catalogue of videos and note packs, and KnowledgeHub Q&As (coming soon) and show you the most relevant information. With Per Min CPD watching/reading any of this content will be added to your Per Min CPD total. Over the course of the year 5 mins here and 11 mins there will add up pretty Fast!



As you interact and watch more and more CPDStore Webinars, Conferences and Videos your Per Min CPD will grow and grow. 5 to 10 mins of CPD each week, along with a webinar or 2 a month and some on demand courses will have you meeting and exceeding your Core Competency CPD requirements before you know it.



Over the next number of months we will be adding more ways that you can effortlessly get your CPD with Per Min CPD. These new features will keep you up to speed with the highest quality of CPD in the market while tracking and managing your CPD.


CPD Club Plus

  • Unlimited Webinar, Virtual & Online CPD
  • All 2023 Course Note Packs and Videos
  • All 2022 Course Note Packs and Videos
  • AI based Search
  • Multiple Conferences & Workshops
  • 140+ Live Webinars
  • CPD Club BiMonthly Webinars

Join CPD Club today to enjoy exclusive access to all the expert insights you need to elevate your skill set and your business.

*For less than 55p per day.

What Current CPD Club Members Say:


"Substantial library of content and new seminars being offered over a wide range of topics."



"Very informative with a wide range of experts imparting their professional knowledge & experiences"



"Good mix of material, well delivered"


CPD Club Teams

CPD Club has been designed with firms in mind. Why not get your entire accounting team on-board and on the same page by registering for CPD CLUB TEAM? Imagine a team where: everyone is on the same page; where everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet; where the entire team has access to same training; meaning standards can be set and maintained in a best-practice manner.

CPD Club for teams gives you options. You may choose to designate specialists to topic areas so that they can develop best-practice processes, but do so safe in the knowledge that the rest of the team has access to the basic foundation-level training.

Alternatively, you may designate programmes for all team members to complete, to form a common understanding of the concepts, practices, processes and approaches that will produce the desired outcomes in the most efficient manner. Either way you are in control.

We also have significant discounts for CPD Club Teams.

The greater the number from your firm, the greater your saving.

We start with the exceptional CPD Club personal package, and depending on the number of team members you wish to add, we customise a plan specifically for your firm.

CPD CLUB - Key Benefits

A 100% online, comprehensive, and ever-expanding collection of courses, webinars, and downloadable resources you need to elevate your accounting knowledge and ensure CPD compliance. Crafted by the leading experts at CPDStore.

Plus, it gives you 24/7 access to any field of your choosing, whether it's tax, auditing, company law, or practice management.

Unlimited access

1. Unlimited Access to all CPDStore On-Demand and Live Virtual Courses (Online CPD & Webinars)

Our courses and webinars are as interactive as they get, providing you with a ton of relevant, updated info that you can use every day. Select a course and let our charismatic tutors lead the way. You'll learn pragmatic insights about various topics and fields - that you'll be able to put to instant use!

Video Vault

2. Access to Course Notes From Every CPDStore Event and the Members' Video Vault

There may be some virtual courses that you would like to attend but the time does not suit. We will upload Presentations, Notes and Supporting Documentation from all CPDStore virtual courses into the CPD Club Members' Area. This means you can search and browse all of our content throughout the year. This will be fantastic for skimming through CPD events to find the content that is most relevant to you and finding the answers to questions you may have. Accessible in the CPD Club Members' portal right now, are all the presentations, notes and supporting documentation from our entire CPD programme and the video footage of every virtual event that was in 2022 & 2023

Video Search Functionality

3. Access to our Revolutionary & Ground-Breaking Video Search Functionality

In our latest platform upgrade you can now search our entire video library of every course, conference and webinar recorded throughout 2022 & 2023 for specific words and phrases and jump to the exact point in a video where they are mentioned. This means you can immediately find the information you need within our video content quickly and conveniently. Video search is an absolute game-changer. As of today, you have the ability to search close to 200 hours of technical CPD video recordings to find answers to your burning question

*For Less than 80p per day.








What Current CPD Club Members Say:




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  • CPDClub.Bonuses.bonus2.2


Innovating the way the UK accounting community gains core technical training and compliance information, CPD Club gives its members tangible and measurable value from day one. After years of development, we've designed an efficient, convenient solution that helps you acquire vital knowledge online while learning from some of the best in the industry.


  • {speaker.firstName} {speaker.lastName}

    Edward Rands

    Over a decade of leading the risk and professional standards team at a large firm, has made Edward capable of consulting you with even the most complex technical and regulatory issues. He will provide you with an abundance of invaluable accounting and auditing insights stretching across different fields.

  • {speaker.firstName} {speaker.lastName}

    Rebecca Benneyworth

    Being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, business owner, lecturer, author, and consultant makes Rebecca an authority on crucial and high-impact regulatory, tax, and accounting topics. She will help you understand and overcome the challenges that the tax system imposes on you and your clients.

  • {speaker.firstName} {speaker.lastName}

    Colm Owens

    As a member of our Practice Support team, Colm’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, prepare for monitoring visits and assist with post-monitoring visits follow-ups.

What Current CPD Club Members Say:

No Risk Guarantee

A lot of people don't make decisions because of the risks. We are taking risk off the table for you here.

CPD Club is about saving you time, giving you access to the knowledge you need in the way that you need it that works for you. There is no question you will get the value and we will deliver the value.

When you buy you have 30 Days until 26th of October 2024 to see if CPD Club is right for you. If you determine that it isn’t for you, just let us know and we will gladly refund your money. No hassles. No hard feelings.

CPD Club