Introducing Per-Minute-CPD™

Cover Image for Introducing Per-Minute-CPD™

| Courtney Price

Per-Minute-CPD™is now available on, this revolutionary feature allows you to get the CPD you need not only by attending webinars and watching Video on Demand content but by reading blogs too!

What is Per Minute CPD™? 

Per-Minute-CPD™ allows you to do CPD in smaller chunks, in a way that works for you. 


How does it work? 

Per-Minute-CPD™ allows you to do CPD on a minute-by-minute basis. For every minute of Video on demand (VOD) content or webinar content that you watch or attend, Per-Minute-CPD™ tracks and allocates you your CPD based on your attendance. 


What do I get Per-Minute-CPD™ from? 

Currently, you can get Per-Minute-CPD™ from reading blogs, attending webinars and watching Video on Demand (VOD) content. 

How do I get Per-Minute-CPD™ from reading a Blog?

If you read a blog and confirm that you have read the blog, your Per-Minute-CPD™ will be allocated to you. You can get Per-Minute-CPD™ for reading a blog post by doing the following:

  • Firstly, make sure you are logged into your CPDStoreaccount.
  • After you log in, navigate to the Blog section of
  • Choose the blog you wish to read.
  • At the end of the blog post, there is you will see a prompt to confirm if you have finished reading.
  • Press the check box and press the confirm button.
  • After a few seconds, this section will update confirming that you have been awarded CPD for reading the blog.

I left a webinar early do I get CPD from this or Per Minute CPD™? 

With Per-Minute-CPD™, if you join one of our live webinars and are unable to finish, it could be an urgent call from a client, a diary clash or it could be that you got the information that you wanted from the webinar. Per-Minute-CPD™ will track the time you actually attended. With Per-Minute-CPD™ you can leave the webinar and the time that you logged on and off is now tracked and added to your Per-Minute-CPD™ record that is linked to your account. 


How do I get a certificate?

Certificates are available in your user profile under ‘Certificates’ in My Account. Per-Minute-CPD™ Certificates will be available at the end of the calendar year. You can track your current progress under Per-Minute-CPD™ which is available in your profile under My Account, 


When do I get a certificate? 

At the end of the calendar year, we will run a report on your activities where you will be given your CPD based on what Per-Minute-CPD™ you have done. It is done at the end of the year to ensure that the user is not getting more than 1 certificate for the same consumed course content. 


What if I complete a course that I already have a certain number of minutes captured in Per Minute CPD™? 

If you watch the same video or read the same resource more than once, you’ll only get Per-Minute-CPD™ for the first instance. 

If you read a blog, and confirm that you have read the blog, your Per-Minute-CPD™ will be allocated to you. Once you confirm you have read a blog you cannot get Per-Minute-CPD™ for any further instances of reading the blog post.


You will only get Per-Minute-CPD™ for the first instance of watching the content with Per-Minute-CPD™ and not for completing a course. 


If you, at a later date, complete the entire course, you will be awarded 1 certificate for the courses and the Per-Minute-CPD™ that you were previously awarded for that content will be taken away from the total Per Minute CPD™. 


How do I know I have completed a full hour in xx category in Per Minute CPD™? 

You can view this in your Profile, under My Account, on the left-hand side under Per-Minute-CPD™. Here you can find a breakdown of your number of Per-Minute-CPD™ minutes completed in based on categories. E.g. Tax, Auditing, etc.

CPD for Accountants and Professional Advisors


Is Per-Minute-CPD™ certified? 

Yes, Per-Minute-CPD™ is certified. 

How do I know what courses I get my Per-Minute-CPD™ from? 

This information is available to you on your Dashboard when you click on the Per-Minute-CPD™ section. 

CPD for Accountants and Professional Advisors

Image of Courtney Price

About the Author

Courtney Price is a content creator for CPDStore UK. Courtney joined us during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been involved in the ever-evolving world of accounting ever since. Her passion for reading and writing, coupled with her degree in copywriting from Vega School has allowed her to channel her creativity and expertise into crafting engaging and informative content.


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